Capturing Your Plant's Identification: A Field Photographer's Checklist

Follow this systematic approach when taking photographs for plant ID:

  • Overall Structure: Capture a clear image of the entire plant to illustrate its form, whether erect, sprawling, or vine-like.

  • Leaf Anatomy: Take detailed photos of leaves, showing upper and lower surfaces. Note their opposite, alternate, or whorled arrangement and detail the margins and shape.

  • Bark Texture: For woody plants, bark characteristics are informative. Photograph the texture and color of the bark, which remains an essential identifier in dormant seasons.

  • Reproductive Features: If available, photograph flowers, fruits, or seeds. These structures are critical for accurate identification.

  • Habitat and Growth Conditions: Include images of the plant's environment, as certain species are habitat-specific.

Always use an object for scale in your photos; prefer natural lighting for the most accurate color representation. With these systematic images, identification can be effectively achieved.


Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'


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