Capturing Your Plant's Identification: A Field Photographer's Checklist
Plant Identification Chris Welch Plant Identification Chris Welch

Capturing Your Plant's Identification: A Field Photographer's Checklist

Follow this systematic approach when taking photographs for plant ID:

Overall Structure: Capture a clear image of the entire plant to illustrate its form, whether erect, sprawling, or vine-like.

Leaf Anatomy: Take detailed photos of leaves, showing upper and lower surfaces. Note their opposite, alternate, or whorled arrangement and detail the margins and shape.

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Needle Know-How: Identifying Spruce Trees by Their Needles
Plant Identification Chris Welch Plant Identification Chris Welch

Needle Know-How: Identifying Spruce Trees by Their Needles

Spruce trees, known for their majesty and versatility, are prominent in North American landscapes. Whether you're an aspiring arborist, a gardening enthusiast, or someone who appreciates the natural beauty of trees, recognizing different spruce species by their needles is fascinating and valuable. This guide zeroes in on the critical needle features - length, texture, color, and stomatal bands - to help distinguish between various species.

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